Are you considering making a request for financial support from the Fidel Götz Foundation? If so, please make sure that your project idea meets our criteria.
If all of these criteria are met, please contact us. Give a brief description of your project idea and your project organisation in an e-mail. We will then be pleased to check the information and let you know whether you should apply for support from us.
Our Criteria
Strategic partnerships with selected Catholic organizations focusing on developing viable, scalable models in support of gender equality.
Projects with clearly defined mechanisms of knowledge transfer
Organizations which clearly identify the need to focus on and prioritise gender equality, valuing and promoting girls and women, boys and men with parity through innovative projects
Applications need to demonstrate alignment with relevant Sustainable Development Goals, especially those related to education and gender equality.
From 2020, Catholic organizations will be required to comply with the following: A gender policy within their institution and formal gender equality standards that guarantee gender lens is applied to assessment, development, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of all projects.